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Right To Play's Re-brand Wins Strategy Award

Strategy brand award

After almost two decades, Right To Play's brand got a fresh, new look. Partnering with BBDO, the new brand launched in 2018 and made headlines for its inspiring demonstration of the impact that the power of play has had on millions of children since the organization began in 2000.

The team landed on “We Rise,” a series of uncomfortable, powerful spots, where kids are shown fighting against child marriage, slave labour and armed conflict, while a young girl waxes poetic.

Right To Play's new look caught the attention of many, including the folks at Strategy, who gave the "We Rise" campaign the top Brand rank in their Creative Report Card 2020. The "slick design" beat out other brands like SickKids Foundation, Ikea, United Way Toronto, and McDonald's.

Learn more about the creative process that went into Right To Play's new look.